NYX review: Matte Lipstick + Lip Cream + Gloss

A few weeks ago, I received four lip products from NYX as a gift from my brother’s girlfriend. Although I’ve heard about NYX and seen its products (powders/blush/eyeshadows/eyeliners/lipsticks/etc,.) in the States, and some stores here in Malaysia, I never really got around into buying it, even though their prices are relatively on the cheaper side.


So when I got the lipstick/gloss/cream, I was pretty excited because the colors were just right up my alley. So let’s break down the four products:

1) NYX Gloss

Details – (Color: Kiss Baiser) (Code:RLG20)

Price – N/A

The color of the lip-gloss is quite faint and requires two coats if you want it to be visible. It has a lip-gloss “shine” to it since it has little glitter specs in it. What I like about this lip-gloss is that it’s not sticky as most glosses tend to be (so that’s a plus). However, I do notice that it rubs off pretty quick especially if you smack your lips a lot like me, and you eat or drink in general. But with that said, you should try this one out if you’re into glosses.

I give this product a 6.5/10 (only because I’m not a big lip-gloss fan)

2) NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

Details – (Color: Addis Ababa) (Code:SMLC07)

Price – $6.00

The color of this lip cream is a nice shocking hot pink. Now, I’m not a big fan of the color pink, but sometimes I’ll make an exception or two. I’ve never actually tried a lip cream before, so this was definitely a nice way to be introduced to it. The product glides on very easily, and I only used one coat on my lips. I wore this lip cream to an event, and I it stayed on throughout the whole night (four hours to be exact). But I didn’t drink nor eat with the product on, so results might be different.

I give this product a 9.5/10

3) Matte Lipstick

Details – (Color: Euro Trash)(Code:MLS19)

Price – $6.00

There’s nothing trashy about the color of this lipstick. I love how the color is almost a nude, but two or three shades darker. I don’t know what color to classify this as, so I’m just going to say a dark nude pink. Anyway, I love the feel of the matte lipstick when it glides on my lips, it feels like I’m rubbing butter on it. I’m a huge fan of matte colors and this lipstick delivers just that. You know how some lipsticks tend to dry out your lips after a while? Well, honestly I feel like this product does just the opposite. I feel like my lips are moisturized whilst wearing the color.

I give this product a 9/10

4) Matte Lipstick

Details – (Color: Audrey)(Code MLS20)

Price – $6.00

Last but not least, surprisingly my favorite color out of the bunch. Like I said before, I’m not a huge fan of the color pink, but sometimes I find just the right shade. At first glance of the lipstick tube, I wasn’t really excited about the color, but once it was on my lips I had a mini “geek” out moment. The color is a pretty bubble gum pink, that dare I say borderlines to Porn-Star pink. Whatever you want to call it, I’m pretty much really into this color a lot. Of course, the lipstick feels like butter when you put it on as it glides so easily, and keeps the lips hydrated.

I give this product a 10/10

** All the prices of the products were based on their website http://www.nyxcosmetics.com/

Overall, I would definitely recommend their matte lipsticks as well as their lip creams to my make-up wearing friends for sure. I was very happy with all the colors overall. You should check their lip products out especially if you’re a lipstick lover like me.

For more information visit:

Website: http://www.nyxcosmetics.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NyxCosmetics

Till then,
