LUSH (Review): Cosmetic Warrior Fresh Face Mask

Lately my skin has not been very good to me. From breakouts, to extra oily skin, to blackheads and whiteheads, and all the annoying stuff that happens to make the skin not pretty!

I was basically trying everything to get rid of these sudden spots all over my face. My normal face charcoal soap (made from natural ingredients) wasn’t really doing its job, the “put some toothpaste” on the blemish trick was just blah. As you can tell I was already going crazy at this point. However,  I found my silver lining at the end of this grim road thankfully!

Processed with Moldiv
Processed with Moldiv

My friend recently came back from a trip to Japan, and she made a stop at LUSH Cosmetics and grabbed each of the BAM! Gang their own face mask. I got the Cosmetic Warrior Fresh Face Mask. Since having been introduced of LUSH Cosmetics before from one of my friends, I’ve grown to love almost all of their products. Not only are they made from fresh ingredients, but also do not test on animals! Love love love them!

So back to the face mask. This face mask contains: “Kaolin  , Fresh Green Grapes (Vitis vinifera)  , Fresh Free Range Eggs  , Honey (Mel)  , Cornstarch (Zea mays)  , Glycerine  , Fresh Garlic (Allium sativum)  ,Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)  , *Limonene  ,Perfume”. The star of this face mask is definitely the Garlic. 

When you apply this mask, let me tell you first hand that it is not a pleasant smelling product, but you can always just breathe through your mouth because let me tell you its worth it!

Basically you can either apply the product on concentrated areas, or you can apply it on your entire face. After 5 – 10 mins wash it off (make sure not to let the product dry off completely).

After drying my face, the first thing I realised was that my skin became tighter and more luminous. It is recommended that you apply moisturiser and a serum afterwards. Of course, since this face mask is made from fresh ingredients it is recommended that you place it in the refrigerator and the shelf life of it should last around two weeks or so.

Honestly, I can already see this product becoming a favourite for sure. Sadly, LUSH Cosmetics is not available in Malaysia, but I hope to restock on it on my upcoming trip to New York.

So, if you’re suffering from breakouts and blemishes and oily skin, give this a go. You’ll never know if this might be your new best friend.


Product Details

Name: Cosmetic Warrior (Fresh Face Mask)

Price: $6.95

Net Weight: 2.1oz


Till then,
