Adore Me

Recently, I was introduced to Adore Me, a lingerie company based in New York. I’ve always had a love for lingerie, but I rarely express my love for it mainly because the prices of good lingerie from where I’m from cost way too much for comfort. Thus, I always find myself admiring lingerie in the distance so that it’d be easier to walk away from it. *cue sad violin song*

Adore Me caters to all sizes and provides a large and diverse collection even in the plus size department (which I must say is such a bonus considering how hard it is to find a plus size lingerie collection). Here are a few of my favorites from their set. I’m usually monochromatic when it comes to them delicates, but I found myself gravitated more towards the colors rather than the monochromatic set.

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One particular set I was fond of was their Lydia Black set. It got me all excited that I started planning an outfit to go along with it, lol.


*photos by Adore Me