20th Birthday Wishlist

Three days (or four depending on where you’re reading this) from now, yours truly will turn the big 2-0. I’m officially saying goodbye to my teen years, and if you had asked me six years ago I’d be jumping up and down, but truth to be told 19 year old Aziza is beginning to feel somewhat nostalgic of her younger days.


Anyway, I’m writing this wishlist mainly because a handful of dear and near people that I know have asked me repeatedly on what I would like for my birthday? It has been quite apparent that an “I don’t know” type of answer has been proven to be insufficient as well as borderline annoying and frustrating to some.

I am going to say up front that my wishlist is not like a typical 20-year-old’s wishlist. It’s… odd? So without further ado, this is what Aziza of GreyBijoux would like for her 20th birthday:


1) Something handmade like a card, or a sweater, or artwork, or anything really. I really love sentimental gifts.

2) A photo of me and the gift gifter attached with a hand-written letter or something along those lines.

3) Hair bleach + semi-skilled hands to help me cover my roots up haha.

4) A trip to the hardware store + paint store where I can buy furniture paint and other things.

5) Someone who will fix the CPU in my room, as well as, installing the Sims 4 on it so I can finally play the game. Anyone? Please…

6) A flat head hair brush. Lord knows how severely tired my current hair brush is.

7) Bleach London Reincarnation Hair Mask. (my hair and I will be eternally grateful).

8) An odd one, but hey it’s a birthday wishlist right? A good military style winter coat.

9) An all expense paid trip to somewhere. Anywhere, I’m not picky. I just want a hotel with a bathtub to soak in with my bath bomb. haha

10) Kinder Bueno (lots of them) and Boost Banana Buzz (lots of this too) please.

11) GreyBijoux to take off and do well, as well as, gain some publicity in the coming months or so.

12) Really good Italian food.

13) A healthy and happy Ginger & Teddy.

14) A healthy and happy Aziza.

15) For the four of them to come back home safe.

That’s all I can think off for this year. I’m going to sign off for now. I’m going to have my evening tea.


Till then,
